I think my brother is goin to die soon!
I think he is. he has every disease known to man. he had lukemia, he has diabetes, he can barely walk or take care of himself. my mother has had to go our poolhouse everyday and take care of him. i know it's hard for her. today in the car she told me that he acts like a baby sometimes. she tries to laugh it off and make like it's nothing. she knows it's going to happen soon i guess. and i really don't know myself. my brother is the strongest person i know. even after all the time he was in the hospital i never once heard him complain. even after aall the tubes that were stuck into him he never acted sick. whenever i go over there he would always give me money. he would drive me anywhere. he would buy me anything. it's not like he's dead yet. but there's only so far the human body can go till it can go no more. i know soon i will see him like i saw mikey. it's odd. i am becoming friends with the idea. it's weird. it's not like i have this ominous feeling, like the one i had with jay. it's just that i know it's going to happen. like within the next year at the most. going over there and seeing him die is very weird. it doesn't make me cry. thinking about him dying does not make me cry either. even though i am very close with him. i don't know why. i guess there are three kinds of pains. there is the kind of pain where it hurts alot in the beginning and you cry and cry and don't eat and go into these deep sleeps where you forget everything and then remember it when you wake up. this is the kind of pain you get over after

haha my bro looks like chicken little!
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